
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Outing mit dem Familie Teil Zwei

today after the wedding we went to see "Aishah then went off to Labrador Park before fetching papa at world trade ctr. faris played with the sand and the playground and my heart stopped when he went down the firemen pole on his own!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Outing mit der Familie

Went out with Cik Ayim & Cik Ija to JB in the morning then went back home to change to pick Mak, Cik Midah, Yan & Aniel to Raizan's nephew cukur rambut.... such a long day... tomorrow will be meeting them again for a wedding for orang Mat Jambol at Pasir Ris

Friday, August 26, 2005

Geteiltes Leid Ist Halbes Leid

A quote someone very close to my heart always said..... Anyway Thumper came back with their offer.. I realize the basic is more than KN anyway plus the commissions are heavy so why not! Plus its 5 day work week... 10 to 6... almost like EYHO.

Mel agrees.. money is not everything once you have kids.....

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Solch eine Angst!

Today is real dread.. i've diverted my phone so that KN won't be able to reach me... just needed to know what the offer is from Thumper... sigh.... then the phone rang... they called home and I had to pretend I was someone else... heheheheh

Please..please.. please... let me know soon! I'm nervous, I'm agitated, I'm frustrated.... aaaaaaaaaarrrggggghhhhhhh.. and the worse bit.. tomorrow will be another waiting day..

At least listening to other people problems help lighten my burden...Mel is still waiting for the CB offer which will by 27th! I know she's as agitated as I am.. I cooked Ayam Panggang today to eat with rice, ulam, keropok, ikan kering & sambal belachan...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Ein Glücklicher Tag

I did my 2 teeth yday... and the fillings were so cool!! They were PINK! Of course it looks like I've got strawberries perpetually stuck to my mouth but hey.. no ones playing tonsil hockey with me apart from Fai...heheeheh .. They waive off the consultation fee and charged me $40 per filling.. of course la.. after the $7000 Mama spent on doing her crowns there!

The monkey is still etched in my mind... I wonder what happened.. do the other monkey carry him to be buried or do they leave him on the road to rot..

Mela went for another interview yday and I sincerely hope she gets the one at CB. It'll be good for her and I'm sure the money's good too. Our flea market is next week! Its so fast! I dunno how i'll sell my stuff.. there's just too many! What with mama & mak donated... its amazing! I have to get that rack at Ikea to hang the clothes!

I'm worried about the job offers too.. KN have not called abt the contract and CHIJMES said yes but its only the salary thats turning me off!! Lets hope I have a better offer today.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Mein Erstes

I found these pics last night and I realized how much pictures I have of Faris!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Ein Trauriger Tag

It started off as a great day with me going for another interview at CHIJMES, having a nice lunch break then heading home to pick the kids up for an outing. Thought of heading off to Ikea as Mama wanted new curtains then she decided on the ones at Metro so in the end we ended up at Gelenggang (which was closed on Monday we realized) as she was craving for their Mee Soto.

So we had prata & mee hoon goreng at Casuarina before feeding the monkey.. we brought peanuts and bread and after all that something tragic happened... it all seemed to go in slow-mo... monkey scattred all over the place, car coming, monkey trapped under the wheel, monkey lay motionless, monkey started heaving, blood trickled down the nose, then mouth then suddenly there was a pool of blood around the monkey.. it just didn't register in my head what was happening until Mama shouted.. "Is DRIVE!!! i cannot see this!"

Somehow time just pass by in a blur.. before I knew it, time for dinner and I have no appetite. I cooked Salmon Masak Merah with Bening Sayur and Mama said it looked like the monkey's blood!~!! Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Liebe meines Lebens

Two of my fave pics of the boys so far...

In Erinnerungen ergehen

Just adding some pics I have forgotten overtime... like Faiz first dip in the pool in Bintan.. and of Faris with e Grandma & Grandpa in Batam.. with Mama .. and Faris as a really really adorable baby...

Mein Traum

I had a dream last night and it was the 4 of us still.... Mel, Amrin, Faisal & Me... at Sentosa.....having fun, paying in the pool, having dinner at Beaufort by the cliff... ya its definately a DREAM! I'm missing the good old days....

Friday, August 19, 2005

Ein nagelneuer Tag

Its a brand new day... after being jobless for 3 weeks.. K+N finally made their offer.. and at the same time, April just called saying I've got an interview lined up on Monday!! Che just emailed asking if I am keen in a Marketing job at Thumper at Goodwood Park!!! I also applied at Legends at Fort Canning........ sigh.... now I've got too much choices!! Wait til' fai hears about it!

Last night we celebrated our 4th Anniversary & his 34th was funny.. after indulging in a very expensive meal at Senso.. it ended up to be complimentary!!! The restaurant manager used to work with me at CHIJMES and fai knows him from Mambo Kings.... lucky huh!!!

Fai gave me a shopping voucher .. i know its definately gonna be spent on faris & faiz!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Unser Jahrestag

Its our Anniversary!! Dunno where we're going to tonight but Fai has already opened his gift last night!! Managed to get 50% off the Ferragamo wallet he wanted.... guess it pays to have connection!! lol
Trying not to be disappointed if he doesn't get wat I want but I guess I am used to it.. then again, men are usually clueless on what their woman wants!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Meine zwei Helder

Faiz & Faris....

This was taken when Faiz was 2 months old... he's a really big boy!Faris is learning the letter P this week so he has prawn printing, pencil holder as artwork... he's also asking when our trip to "Aussalia" will be... hehehhehe..

Can't wait for Faiz to talk... he's staring to walk on his walker and shouting and blabbling all the time.. I'll miss him when I start to work...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Mündlicher Austausch

Not a very good day.. Fai almost left the house cuz he misunderstood about what I said to Mummy!! sigh.... every single year in between her birthday & our anniversary is always tough... tension!!! I guess he's not happy that I didn't bring the kids to her place for cake cutting!! I honestly didn't have the time!! By the time I got back from my interview, it was almost 3pm and we still had to go to Ikea, fetch papa, send him home....

Monday, August 15, 2005


Its Mummy's birthday today and after coming back from JB, we met everyone at Centrepoint. Dinner was booked at the Rice Table and its nice to have a family dinner once in awhile.. too often will result in disagreement & insults... heheheheheh.. After dinner we went to The Railway for Teh Tarik.. Faiz slept all the way!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Naked Boys

Really nice picture of the boys after a long day out... topless...