
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hanan & RZ's wedding.. Happy New Year!!

Its been so long since my last posting and a lot has happened in the last month or so... my cousin Hanani got married on New Year's day I've been entrusted in doing her wedding cake!!!! (very dangerous choice!) hehehehe.. considering that I haven't dabbled in baking in sooooo long except the occasional pudding & cookies...

Anyway, she entrusted me with the task and I surprise myself ( here's the pic in a few angles.. ehehehhe)

So don't ask what I did at the stroke of midnight 1 Jan 2006.. I was stuffing flowers onto the cake to make look it look somewhat professional! lol

Her wedding was a beauty... its nice to see my own cousin walking down the aisle (albeit a short one) and knowing full well she will be next in line being pressured for babies since I've done my bit! The funniest highlight was when Faris was forced (although he was sooooo sleepy) so 'guard' the entrance with his sword & shield.. jadi lah dapat $8 Ang Pao!!

Saturday 21st we did a BBQ at my place for a farewell for Cik Nani & family cum joint bday party for all the January Babies... it was nice for everyone to finally get together... real nice (although I had to stand in front of the BBQ pit for the entire day since I'[m the host!) heheheheh

Ok.. backtrack few days before Christmas... Faisal surprised me with a blue box on the car seat... when i opened the car door before leaving for work I found a Tiffany & Co box on the seat.. with my heart thumping I ripped the box open and found the mesh ring I've been wanting!!! ehehheheheh.. I called him up, said thanks and hung up.... cold you say??? well considering its unusual for him to do stuff like that.. I'm not to be blamed!!! I dunno how to react!!!

Forward to a few days to my birthday... Mel bought me dinner at The Marriot and in the middle of dinner i received an absolutely shocking SMS!! From Faisal but not to me... it says "No dear... I honestly dunno how much time we have, you asked me on how much time we have.. why don't you tell me on how much time we have!".... eeerrrrrrrrrr... what my reaction was?? I cried buckets.. he called back and asked if he sent me that message!!! I told him not to ruin my dinner and hung up.. needless to say I at probably $10 worth of that $60 Buffet... I lost my appetite... poor Mel.... I had an Oyster, a Scampi, very little main course & totally overloaded myself with dessert (well... depressed what!!)

So I went home, found him snoring in bed with the boys, tip-toed, took his phone and scrolled thru his sms.. found it.. it was to a girl called Lany... no messages in the inbox.. just the sent messages... the next day.. i kicked a fuss mind you and he being so bloody nonchalant.. laughed at my face!!!

I was already in tears and all he could do was laugh!!! Apparently it was to his travel agent about a quotation he's supposed to send out and asking her how long he has before the deadline!! That one stupid sms ruined a $120 dinner! Anyway.. forward to my birthday... I requested for an ipod Video.. so Faisal shared with my parents and I am so totally in love with it! I can't wait for the i-trip so that I can boogie in the car!!! I guess thats all for now...