
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Faiz 2nd Birthday

My little on is now 2 years old... cant believe 2 years ago he popped out of me!! Fai came back for his birthday but as weather did not permit it we ended up just having the BBQ at home..very very sad... the birthday boy was quite unhappy also!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Unlucky Weekend

It was funny how this this week went by... was so looking forward to the weekend so that i could take the kids out for a swim ... packed everything then cycled all the way to the pool only to find it closed for construction... what luck!!

Faisal went out with Zach as he flew into town and spent the Sunday doing what a he-bitch would do... went to a salon for a hair cut, scalp massage & creme bath!!! Man i would kill to be in his shoes!!! All that for Rph 85,000!!!

Tried to book the flight back for him on the 30th and i couldnt believen my eyes at the rate!!! $1200!! Then i changed location and it came up to $600!! Even got Yati to double confirm in case and she got the same rate! Fai managed to book Value Air at $US150...

Can't wait for him to be home on the 30th... mama booked the pit already so now i'm left with the planning of food... Fai requested i fry his fave yellow noodles..

I've got my PGI exam today... actually went to the library to read it last night after 16 years of never stepping foot into the National Library!!! Gosh hope i pass ....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A long long year

Its been a really really long time since my last posting and so much has happened!!! I switched jobs (again!!) and Faisal left for Jakarta... it's amazing how the distance actually strenghtened our marriage... guess we both took each other for granted before.

Fai left for Jkt on 6th November, shortly after Hari Raya and I guess it was hard for him to adjust at first being away from us that he had to come back less than a month later! The second trip was so impromtu that he tricked me into believing that he wanted to speak to me on the phone and when he called, he was right outside my door!! We even started saying 'I Love You' again... and never had a chance before to say 'I miss you' but now its almost a daily affair!! We both never said it before because we see each other daily and saying it would sound so fake .. we were too practical to be hypocrites..

On my birthday in January, I flew up with the kids & mama for 5 days and the kids had a blast even though they were stuck at the hotel at night with barely any toys... had my birthday dinner at the Al Noufra at Meridien and had a good time just talking..

I can't believe I'm 29!! and next year will be my BIG 3-0.. Leaving was such sweet sorrow.. part of me loved the fact that I'll miss him but part of me long for him to be here by my side.

March 2nd I flew up again on my own this time for TLC... he booked Meridien for the 2 nights and i was pleasantly suprised that it was run down as i had expected.... i mean its not like the Dharmawangsa ( nor Villa de Daun ( but it was nice..

Spent my first night having the ayam lunak with telur asin then just chilling at the hotel. 2nd day was a total shopping spree!!! Bought the kids tons of clothes & topped up on the meds... we meant to go out for a nice dinner that night but he actually suggested going to Man U Cafe just cuz he had to watch Liverpool play Man U.. They lost obviously but we ended up going back to the hotel and eating Komalas!!!

Of all things! I bought him a new pair of Ray Bans.. just to surprise him and to thank him for booking me the hotel... during part of our conversation he asked if i mind wearing a bigger diamond ring *hint hint*.. man!! it's like asking me if i liked a Kia car to a Porsche!!! Well... no pressure but he offered lets see if i can get that 1 carat ring on my finger by August...ehehhehe..