
Sunday, September 30, 2007

September & Wasted Sundays

The month September passed by in a blur... Fai came back a week before Ramadhan so that we could spend the weekend together. Plus he bought me a very much needed new phone... it may not have been the latest model (6300) but i reckon something too 'gadgety' will be ruined in my hands!

We did stuff tat was nondescript... shopping in JB, breakfast with his parents and going to the park.. but it was good enough for the kids..

Lately i had this unsettled feeling his eyes might wander when he's in Jakarta... all cuz Is said he was in 7th heaven when he went to jakarta and said the girls were gorgeous.. MTV GORGEOUS!!... trust him to say such things!!! He's got the cheek to tell me he don't think Fai is the sort who could cheat!! Gee thanks... i feel so much better!! NOT!!.. when i brought the topic to Fai he made it worse by saying 'Oh the temptation is not only great BUT TOO GREAT!!!" uurrrggghhhh MEN.. cant they say the right things!! Things that we women want to hear even though its a bloody lie!

These past 2 sundays were wasted on our course at the British Council... FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE... TO LEARN HOW TO EMPHATISE WITH CUSTOMERS! How lame can my weekend be??

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Iftar @ Tampines

Finally its saturday! I was looking forward to breaking fast with my aunts & uncles so i cooked Chicken Rice & Tiramisu.... the tiramisu was a little sweet cuz i realize (after making it) my eggs were smaller than Ang Moh eggs as required in the recipe!! uurrghh

Alas only the usual suspects were there.. anyway at least we bothered to plan a day to breakfast together.

So far i've only succeeded in making 2 types of cookies.. more to come.. and very little days to go... always feeling exhausted these days.. maybe its the continuous waking to make milk and then sahur.... lunch hours are always reserved for naps.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Night @ The Carribean

Of all the places they could have chose... they did our outing at this Ah Beng pub at Boat Quay!!! uuurrrgghh anyway we tried to make the best out of it by playing pool and singging along to Linkin Park!