
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Cousins

Family means the world to me and amidst our busy schedule, I'm really happy that we managed to still stay in touch through Multiply.......

Hanan juggling a new baby and managing husband & family in 3 different countries, Yan with her teaching job and finally 'exposing' her other with all my dramas.....

Here's to Us..... ahahhahahahah

(by the way.. this was right after swimming at the Loyang Chalet... )

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Kueh Keria

This is in response to my neighbour Ashley's blog on Oct 16..

I found Kueh Keria that can rival the ones across the causeway at Pasar Tani babe!! hahhaa

Right at our Causeway Point Bazaar!! There's only 1 stall open in the morning and I was surprised its not those hard-flour-tasting kind... these were soft, sweet-potatoey kind!! (see pic.. after I bit it its yellow not white!) Then again, I've yet to try it again so dunno about quality control.. lol... Go buy.. 3 for $1

Friday, November 07, 2008


I can't believe kiasu Singaporeans have started booking for the weekend long holiday NEXT YEAR on Chinese New Year weekend!!! Okay granted I'm one of the kiasu ones but I can't believe there are more kiasu people than me!!

I've already booked Faisal's flight home next year on Friday before the long weekend and he would stay the whole week right up till after my 31 birthday.. With Faris going on to primary 1 its harder to 'ponteng' school on whim... i think its harder on me than the poor boy! I feel so restricted now! Having to wait for long weekends, school holidays to plan anything.. so now comes my current dilemma..

We want to fully utilize the long weekend and thought a short trip to Phuket would be nice.. Take them to Phuket Fantasea and see how much Phuket has changed since Tsunami..breathe in the fresh air at Patong beach but I guess my excitement were blown out of proportions cuz when I saw the ticket price I almost fainted!! On Thai Airways & Silkair, the ticket per person were $893 and 903 respectively!!!

Then I calmed myself down and went through Air Asia & Tiger ticket price for the 4 of us? $1800!!! Its $450 per person return and this is not considering the hotel price is gonna be a killer..

Then i checked with and finally they had something.. adults cost $568 each, child with bed, $478 and Faiz $398.. BUT.. we leave on saturday at 4.30pm flight and have to return to SG on Monday at 10am as Tuesdays flights are totally fully booked so that leaves us with only 1 day of sight-seeing!!! aarrrrrrggghhh
Bali was the alternative availability but we're heading there in MARCH!!!

So I thought what a brilliant idea if we go to Sibu Island or Redang and to my dismay, they are closed for the moonsoon season!!!

Even my last option of going to Colmar Tropicale is dashed.. went online and its fully booked!!!

So help.................... if anyone can offer me another alternative suggestion which has availability........I would really appreciate it!