
Friday, August 06, 2010

Japanese Cheesecake

Its all Brenda's fault for making me crave this! Its been so long since I baked this... we are all cheese fans so I know these will get wiped out in a very short while! eheheheh


Melt the following ingredients in a bain marie until the cheese melts and well blended with the butter and milk.

250g cream cheese
100 ml milk
50g butter

In another bowl whisk the egg yolks to a soft peak (5 minutes of whisking)

6 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
140g sugar

1 teaspoon lemon juice
6 egg yolks
60g cake flour (sifted)
20g corn flour

Once the cheese mixture cools down,add in lemon jiuce and fold the above ingredients in. Fold half of the egg white mixture into the cheese mixture and mix it throughly. Then fold that into the balance egg white mixture. You can use 8 inch round pan or 8 x 6 rectangle pan like I did. Grease the pan and line it with greaseproof paper. I like to have excess paper at the top of the pan for easy removal. Bake it in a water bath for 1 hour 10 min give or take, in a 160 degree oven.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Pepes Jamur

I'm sure everyone have tasted Pepes Ikan right... if you love mushrooms then try this instead.

Pepes Jamur Recipe

1 packet of fresh mushrooms (whatever thats available around 500g) quartered or sliced.
3 tomatoes chopped
4 Bay leaves shredded
5 shallot sliced
3 garlic sliced
5 chilli padi sliced thinly
1 tablespoon gula jawa or palm sugar
1.5 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon chicken seasoning
2 stalks of spring onion sliced
2 tablespoon oil
Banana leaves for wrapping

Mix the above ingredients and stir until seasoning is well mixed into the mushrooms. Wrap in banana leave and steam for 20 minutes. Serve as an accompaniement to a main dish with salted fish......

Nagasari Jagung

With Ramadhan impending, I've been craving for lots of sweet stuff... maybe my body thinks its going into hibernation and wants to stock up on sugar for energy! *rolls eyes*

Wanted to make belebat pisang but the Pisang Mas was all green and unriped so settled for Nagasari Pisang instead..

Nagasari Pisang Recipe

450 water
175g sugar
1 pandan leaf

Boil the above until the sugar dissolves.

1 packet Hoon Kueh flour (120g)
200 ml water

In another pot (get a big pot for easy stirring), mix the flour & water in a pot and gently simmer. Add the sugar water.

250ml thick coconut cream
1/2 tsp salt
1 can corn kernel (water drained)

Now add the coconut and salt into the simmering mixture and whisk until it reaches boiling point (5 minutes). Finally add the corn and stir for another 1 min.

Some people prefer to use small containers for this or a plastic sheet but i like to go with the original... Banana leaves.. Cut the leaves into desired length and just heat it over open fire (panggang). This makes the leaves more pliable. Pour about 2 tablespoon of mixture and wrap. Chill in the fridge for 2 hours. Serve

Monday, August 02, 2010

Nonya Ayam Pongteh

Its a really hot day today and what better way to enjoy the heat with even more heat from sambal belachan and hot steaming rice.
I decided to cook Ayam Pongteh or Stewed Miso Chicken. Its a really simple but somewhat satisfying dish.


10 shallots
4 garlic cloves

1 stick cinnamon
4 tablespoon taucho
2 tablespoon sugar
1 teapoon salt
2 cups water
1 tablespoon dark soya sauce

1/2 chicken cut into smaller parts
bamboo shoots cut into thin slices
6 dried shiitake mushroom soaked and cut into quarters
coriander leaves

Blend the garlic & shallot and sautee in oil until fragrant. Add in 1 stick of cinnamon and continue sauteeing.
Add the taucho and sautee for another minute before adding sugar, salt, soya sauce, chicken & water. After 10 minutes add in the bamboo shoots & mushroom and continue to simmer for another 20 minutes. Add the chopped coriander leaves and serve with rice, ulam & sambal belachan. Best to cook the dish 1 day in advanced so that the flavours are soaked through.