
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Brazil Nut Shortbread

1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup cornstarch
a pinch salt
1-3/4 cups (425 mL) flour
1 cup coarsely chopped Brazil nuts

Cream the butter, sugar until light & fluffy... add vanilla, salt and flour. Lastly add in the chopped nuts. Spread dough in a pie pan lined with parchment paper, poke with fork and then freeze for at least an hour. Once the dough has harden, bake on 140 degrees for 40 min or until the base is browned... remove from oven and cut into desired shapes before cooling.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thai Spring Rolls

Simple but really yummy springrolls...

(makes about 16 large springrolls)
1 large onion (or about 10 shallots) } blended
4 cloves of garlic } blended

Soak 2 bundles of tang hoon until soften
8 dried shiitake mushrooms. ] sliced thinly

Cut 1 carrot into thin julienne slices

4 tablespoon oyster sauce
1\2 cup water
salt to taste

Spring roll skin (I used Spring Home)
corn flour mixed with a bit of water } to stick the edges

Sautee the blended ingredients in oil until fragrant, add oyster sauce, 1\2 tsp salt, water and carrots. Simmer until carrots are softened.
Add in the mushroom and the tang hoon and season to taste again. Let cool.

Use the filling and roll into spring rolls and fry until golden brown. Serve with Thai Chilli Sauce

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kaya - Licious

I´ve been hit by the kaya bug.... not the store bought kinds but the home made ones..with those thin cripsy apek bread and chunky slices of butter.. oohh heavenly!

Gula Melaka Kaya

crack 4 eggs, 250ml of coconut cream, 100g sugar, 1 block of gula melaka melted (wait to cool before you add to the eggs), a tiny pinch of salt & pandan leaves...

Mix all together and stir over a bain-marie for 1.5 to 2 hours until its thicken... DO NOT PANIC if you see a lumpy mixture before you. Once the mixture is thick, put it in a blender and blend till fine... then bedal......

Durian Kaya

I made a whole pot to give away... also because i had an overload of durians in the fridge, so what better way to preserve them right??

400ml of coconut cream, 8 eggs, 1/4 tsp of salt, 170g sugar, 400g durian flesh & pandan leaves...

Same cooking method as above but save half of the durian flesh and mix it in after 1 hour of cooking the paste... continue cooking for another half hour. Blend according to preference...