
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Cheesecake Brunei

I was trying to replicate a favourite of ours. Light fluffy sponge with cream cheese layers and topped with grated cheese. Tried various recipes but nothing pleased us until this!

Sponge recipe

2 egg whites (whipped)
2 egg yolks + 110g sugar (cream until ribbon stage)
45ml water
1 tablespoon oil
70g flour (sifted)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder

After whisking the egg whites until stiff, set aside.

Cream the yolks & butter until ribbon stage. Add water and whisk for another minute. Add oil. Whisk again 
Add flour & baking powder and whisk until thick and fluffy. 

Fold in the egg whites and bake in a lined 6 inch baking pan at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cool and slice in half. 

Filling & topping 

125 gm cream cheese 
375 gm milk
35 gm sugar
40 gm corn flour
1/2 block of Kraft cheese 

Heat the milk, sugar and corn flour until thickened. Add cream cheese and mix thoroughly. Set aside to cool.

Assembly of cake

Divide the filling in 2. Spread half the filling over the first layer of sponge. Grate block cheese generously over it.
Top with the second layer of sponge and the balance filling and grate more cheese over it. Chill. Simple enough ?? Best eaten cold