
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hi 5 Concert

Hi 5 Concert with Mel & Danish

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Bintan Getaway...

Our weekend getaway at Bintan.. also my long dued anniversary trip!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Leaving Melbourne

Yup.. all packed up and ready to go... its always hard to say goodbye!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Torque & Dandenong

Faris Having a Ball at the Dandenong Flea Market...
Our 2nd last day left and out at Torquay for some serious 'Surf' shopping then to Lorne for some water play..

Having a Blast

The last few days in Melbourne... eating out, just enjoying the weather, the food.. I put on a good 3kg everytime I get back from there!!! sigh... must be the cold weather.... eating to survive!!! lol

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Victoria Zoo

The 3rd last day.. really counting down.. at the werribee zoo (very odd safari).. no feeding, not as much animals... just out luck! Somehow, Mandai zoo is still the best!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Yup.. its the cukur rambut day.. I thought since Tok Nani did Faris previously, its only befitting he does Faiz.. even if it means travelling thousand of miles to get to him!! Plus it'll be an excuse to shop at K-Mart, Coles, Safeway & Target!! When we got there on the 8th May, we went straight to the butcher to order the Lamb.. tandoori style!!!
on the 12th, it was really simple, we went out shopping like any other day and came back to see 'Nenek Mah' cooked & prepared everything. Zaki & his fren came by before Isyak and they solat together. Then we sat around, with Tok Nani reciting versus from the Quran and the meaning of Aqiqah...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

We're OFF@@

Here's Papa with the Kids right before we left for the airport...