
Thursday, May 12, 2005


Yup.. its the cukur rambut day.. I thought since Tok Nani did Faris previously, its only befitting he does Faiz.. even if it means travelling thousand of miles to get to him!! Plus it'll be an excuse to shop at K-Mart, Coles, Safeway & Target!! When we got there on the 8th May, we went straight to the butcher to order the Lamb.. tandoori style!!!
on the 12th, it was really simple, we went out shopping like any other day and came back to see 'Nenek Mah' cooked & prepared everything. Zaki & his fren came by before Isyak and they solat together. Then we sat around, with Tok Nani reciting versus from the Quran and the meaning of Aqiqah...

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