
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Celebrating Ramadhan

Yesterday was a busy busy day... High 5 Bread launch and thankfully everything went on smoothly. The Kaiiten Girls are a really nice fun bunch! Anyway, Mark came by as well and said he needed to arrange Nelson's wedding party. All of them are coming from CHIJMES where they are having their Chinese dinner. Thankfully there are still space in the VIP area. So all the Jewish clan will be here then.

I dugged out some old photos of me, with the family, Cik Midah, my engagement photo (there was no digital camera then!) hmmmm.. i just realized time flew by and people from my past are sprouting up again like mushrooms.

Today is also the first day of Ramadhan.. we woke up at 5am and had meatball curry, omelette & sambal belachan! ahhahahaha.. i wonder how my stomach and injest all of that. Met Mel up during lunch to Geylang.. and I was wearing boots!!! Melawa betul pergi Geylang! ehehhe... so we bought cooked lauk for buka & sahur tomorrow.. cant find much so i bought Ayam Masak Merah, Sambal Goreng Pengantin, Pais Sotong, Pais Ikan, Cheng Teng & Air Longan! Betul punya nafsu!!

Then we popped by JCC and went to RH Fashion. The sales person looked so familiar then I realized its Kak Gayah the one who did my wedding dais/pelamin!! See what i said abt meeting people from my past all of a sudden! Me & Mel ended up buying a baju kurung each.. similar patterns some more!! organza top with lining & beads with songket-like kain. Ok la... nothing too glamourous since we are both moms and have to be practical! Too mush beads will scratch our sons face, if we wear kebaya, all the buttons will pop!

So here are all the nostalgic photos....

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