
Friday, October 21, 2005

Sentosa Lunch

Hmmmm.. this yesterday... me and Mel went to Sentosa to have lunch... well.. time of the month so not fasting and must find a bloody secluded area to eat!!! It was worth the trip.. high tide, beautiful view and great company! Sigh... we are so pathetic.. only have each other for company... day in day out!! Yesterday was nice with Fadz finally coming out to meet us... the food at Amrosia was pretty decent too! Mel actually can be bothered to walk to the car to take my ibook so Fadz can see some pics! She actually smsed both of us saying men whistled at her!!!! See la.. itu pun shiok!! ahahahhahaha.. padahal kat Arab St takde pompuan jambu!! Lembu pakai skirt pun diorang whistled!!! Mel... no offence!!! I take lorry drivers anytime!!!
Some pics of the boys at Thumper and a self taken pic of myself...

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