
Saturday, April 07, 2007


A lot has happened in the last 2 little one is now 2, Fai came back to celebrate his birthday.. we argued over a silly little thing.. sighhh.. my heart was so heavy the whole week after he left. Even told Fai to come back for the Good Friday weekend and I'll pay for his tickets.. if only we'd both just watch our mouths and not be so hot tempered.. how can 2 people who love each other dearly argue after not seeing for a month is beyond my understanding!!

I guess thats what real love is.. Over the GF weekend we just spent the day at the beach hanging out.. its nice at East Coast sometimes.. i guess we are too used to the nice sandy beaches at sentosa... Faiz is learning a few words now.. he's saying all the end vowels but i guess thats better than none.

Last night was really sweet.. the boys were brushing my hair until glossy... i felt so dolled up.. texted Fai and he said since i have no daughter to doll up its a consolation getting dolled up by my boys.. it felt so relaxing also after the stomping massage by Faris that i got knocked out by 10pm!!!

Today's agenda?? Probably going to Toy's R Us to get Mama's birthday present.. an electronic globe thats she's been eyeing for years!!! Its a big change from Correll last year to a Globe! We'll probably leave early since papa has got coaching at 3pm.

I've mapped out my leave for the entire year!! Its funny but i guess its better being 'kiasu' and get the dates i want that troubling everyone at the last minute!

The tickets for Jakarta is booked already for the 25th May till 28th May and since Fai is flying down for Zaki's wedding on the 9th June i thought i'll space it out nicely... end 23rd June I'll be flying up on my own for the wedding .. was thinking of bringing the kids but just worried they'll get tired etc... also my intention of going in May is also to do another kebaya... the gold one that Fai bought me is lovely...... so i'll probably wear it on one of the days..

March was a good month.. i hit $853K sales and extra comm.. so end April will be enjoyable.. lol.. Fai is already asking for a Tiffany bracelet the World Series one.. whatever that it.. i guess its better getting him something that i'll be able to see than me blowing the money on food!! ehehhe

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