
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Holiday Inn - Batam

Weekend was good cuz we planned for a trip to Holiday Inn Batam at a very reasonal price of $80 for adult (including ferry, transfers & ABF). The kids just have to pay for ferry. Faiz was veru very fidgety the entire trip, running around, climbing stairs... i was thinking when will we reach!!! It seemed ages!

Once at at hotel I was surprised that we were given the 2 bedroom suite which usually would cost $158 ++ excluding the ferries & etc... wat a deal.. i paid only $206 Nett for everything!! Faris was hungry so after the bath in the tub, we ordered room service and then the madness begins!! We realized Faiz locked himself from inside one of the rooms and refuse to open up. I called the Front Office who came up and tried to unlock the door using a spoon! Couldn't find Faiz and when we spotted him i got the shock of my life! He was perched at the window ledged trying to open the window!! I jumped on the bed and grabbed him and locked myself in the bathroom crying and hugging him! I cannot imagine if we were a minute late. He would have dived right down 6 floors...uuurrgghh scary..... dun even want to think about it.

Short while later he started his nonsense again, falling off the chair when mama fed his dinner, carrying the coffee table and turning it upside down, he even went to the extent to pushing the small cabinet in the cupboard out to the living room!! We dismantled everything and carried the cabinet up on top of the cupboard! Poor Faris have to always keep a watchful eye on Faiz to make sure he's not up to some mischief!

I couldn't take it so we left to go to Megamall to get the Jco Donuts, the Diablo fell asleep in the cab so we went around Matahari looking for toys for Faris.. to thank him for being a really good boy. Took them to Fantasy Kingdom & Timezone to play and spent RPh300,000 just on games!! Thats like their half month salary man for them!

Next day at the pool was fun but Diablo was trying to swim on his own without his vest! Thankfully i managed to catch him in time... maybe its his curiosity but he sure scares me!!

After breakfast we brought the kids to the Panda Room to paint, play & do arts & craft.. as usual the Diablo ran around messing everything! He's got so little attention span!! After that came the exciting part! We rode the ATV!!! Its this four wheel drive annd we rode it for 40 mins! My wrist ache cuz the accelerator uses my thumb! I don't really exercise that part of my body much!!! lol We rode through mud ridden fields and swarmy bushes... Faris was cool... he even drove it himself! I am so glad he has the same adrenaline charged genes as me ... my Diablo definately has it only he goes all the way to the extreme!!!

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