
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bad Hair Day!!

I guess i was tired from the Labour Day activities.. didn't study for my PGI and i had to take Nurofen to ease the throbbing headache & ache everywhere!! I lashed out at Fai in the morning about the house, plus my hair looked awful... everything was just WRONG! Actually the hair wasn't too bad but the thought of spending $35 on a haircut just kinda irks me (ok i'm sounding really really cheap here..) maybe cuz I'm used to the fabulous haircut & treatement I get at BKM for a fraction of the cost... plus since i needed to lash out at someone, i went to the salon after lunch, said to the stylist.. "I don't like the way you cut my hair, I think you did a very bad job at it" and just stormed out.. the poor fella must be startled!! EHHEHEH

So to bemuse myself, i bought french fakies and did my own manicure & pedicure... now my hands and feet look lovely... told Fai and his first words were "French??".. my hubby knows me soooo well...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wild Wild Wet

Another very tiring day with the kids... its Labour day so since Mama Midah had free tickets to Wild Wild Wet. It was fun for the kids but i was totally exhausted.. times like this i wish Fai were here... Faris was out playing on his own sliding on tubes & slides but Faiz is the one i really have to take care off! Going up and down the stairs was a real work out!! At one point i was literally crawling up the stairs when Faris shouted "Mommy... Faiz jump down!!" I looked and realize my rascal actually went down into one of the tubes without me! By the time i reach the end of the tube he was laughing hysterically at the excitement of it all! My heart was in my throat at that point of time!
After that we went to Explorer kid... this maze-like place where the kids crawl around and jump... i had to follow Faiz everywhere he went so I had to crawl too! Thank goodness for pants!! One idiot actually called me a Big Buffalo for going down the slide... what an ass...
Then when he went down the slide with his kid, we all shouted "Eh BIG BUFFALO!!"