
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bad Hair Day!!

I guess i was tired from the Labour Day activities.. didn't study for my PGI and i had to take Nurofen to ease the throbbing headache & ache everywhere!! I lashed out at Fai in the morning about the house, plus my hair looked awful... everything was just WRONG! Actually the hair wasn't too bad but the thought of spending $35 on a haircut just kinda irks me (ok i'm sounding really really cheap here..) maybe cuz I'm used to the fabulous haircut & treatement I get at BKM for a fraction of the cost... plus since i needed to lash out at someone, i went to the salon after lunch, said to the stylist.. "I don't like the way you cut my hair, I think you did a very bad job at it" and just stormed out.. the poor fella must be startled!! EHHEHEH

So to bemuse myself, i bought french fakies and did my own manicure & pedicure... now my hands and feet look lovely... told Fai and his first words were "French??".. my hubby knows me soooo well...

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