
Monday, October 22, 2007

Heart to heart

Faiz left for raya visiting with mama & papa wearing Danish's old baju kurung.. he looked so smart in it.. I was going thru spelling with Faris making him memorize his English spelling for his assessment next week... words like, 'bun, over, boat, bat, crib, train, iron, apron, unicorn & ukulele' UKULELE!!!!! I mean i didn't know the word existed until i watched spongebob squarepants and he has to learn it in K1!!! Is the school system for real now??

I finally feel contented... i let every single frustrations out on Fai..via sms... i'm not very good at handling my emotions and if i talk my voice goes up a few decibels which may sound either like i'm shrieking or shouting... so it can be perceived wrongly so sms was the best option for me at that time... now i feel good... like i have no care in the world...

So Fai.. if you're reading this.. just know that I love you and thank you for understanding me....

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