
Friday, December 07, 2007


I simply hate this feeling... the feeling of dread, excitement and boredom all bundled in one...

1) Dread?? Because its been raining and there's almost nothing to do at work but wait for people to come in or making lead calls...

2) Excitement?? Because we'll be off to Jakarta again for 4 days.. and the anticipation is killing me!

3) Boredom?? Same answer as no 1... siigghh

Its cold and I just want to sleeepppppppp... i cant wait to go home, snuggle under the quilt covers... and play Scrabulous to brush up on my skills or maybe read up on my gossip magazines... hehhehe


  1. you play scrabulous also??? Ok we sooo hafta play together sometime!

    Do you have the Scrambled Words yet?

  2. ehhehe ok ok i'll start a game with you later ... me going to Hanani's house in the afternoon cuz the parents are back and my uncle leaving for Haj next week..

    eerr. what Scrambled words?
