
Friday, January 04, 2008

2nd Birthday Gift

Did I mention that I will spend reminiscing my 30th birhday alone??? Hitting my 3rd decade of lifetime ALONE!! Fai won't be back until the 6th right before Chinese New Year so I will spend it ALONE!!!!! Anyway Fai bought me my tailored kebaya... he specially purchased the fabric from Jakarta and the sales guy even spoke to me on the phone!!! It must be expensive considering how hard he was upselling it Fai! When i saw it I loved it!! Its very soft French lace.. very subtle with a bronze threads.. just that little hint of glamour.. Fai even sent it to Lordess the same tailor who did my gold kebaya that i wore during Zaki's wedding!

The picture is not clear on the lace... but can you see how sweet i already look?? (*puke puke*)

Okay.... then my 2nd gift...he took me to Metro and made me choose a new Scrabble!! We've been playing Scrabble daily before bed ever since he got back...(yeah!! Scrabble.. you read that right NOT SCRAMBLE!!):-) Thanks love!!


  1. And not scrabulous either~

    Yeah i'd LOVE to play real scrabble and boggle etc... but nobody wants to play with me sey... and i dont think Zubair likes it too that is unless its in URdu! *faint*

  2. hey... let me know when you guys are home... if Ly is interested we can play... just find 1 more player.. Fai or your mom or dad?? ahahaha

  3. OKIES set!! tapi 3 org je pon boleh kan? Tapi takut nanti si Syifaa nak makan or gigit2 the words pulak! heheheh

  4. haahhhahaha well then someone has got to keep her at bay !!! lol
