
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The ugliest shoe ever

Okay... granted i have nothing better to do... there's a reason why i post it up sideways so that you people can see the ugliness of the shoe! Took a pix of this lady wearing the ugliest sandal ever... it was platform and a cross between those sports sandals as well.. it had the logo of MBK (i'm assuming its MaBoonKrong).. and maybe she got it as a free gift while shopping there! Its so ugly it caught my eye!!!! BAd eye!!!!


  1. tu kasut untuk sakit kaki lahh....and not cheap ..almost 3oo bucks for that.i use that sandals after i torn my tendon.95% gone...really looks ugly...but the shoe works..

  2. ARE YOU SURE!!! With the MBK brand??? Like those orthopedic shoes you mean??? Ok just dun ever let me see you in platforms!!! Gelak aku nanti! hahahaha

  3. HAHAHHA...aku pakai siap ngan skirt skali...

  4. ohh ya btw HAPPY BELATED 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!
