
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Grandma's Birthday

Its funny how old people's detail were never properly documented. For instance my grandma......

Her IC states that her bday falls on 16th April... same as my own mom! Coincidence or just a mistake on the officer's side?? My grandma however claims that her 'original' birthday falls on 25th February!

Anyway we would celebrate on alternately years on the different dates... my grandma commented that her phone keeps dying on her so i take it its a hint to get her a new one... and since she don't really bother with other features like sms, camera and such i bought her a N2310 for $88!!! I even get a free $18 sim card from starhub! ehhehe


The kids enjoyed the Airshow tremendously despite being in the cab for an hour getting there! We drove to Cik Midah house and decided to park the car there and take a cab since the parking decals cost $50!!

I saw families with BABIES walking in the hot sun to get there.. i mean why bring a baby?? They cant enjoy it... and worse its probably bad for their ear drums!!!

We definitely enjoyed the RSAF Black Knights manouvres the most!

Getting back was the killer bit... the taxi queue was snaking but at least it was moving... i tell you... when you're being push, shoved, it brings out the worse in people.... there were a lot of people trying to 'cut queue' and the family behind us was extremely VOCAL!!! Profanities included!! hiazzzzz.. If it wasn't for the free tickets from Lorraine, i dun even think i'll even be there!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Splurge.....

I bought another bag today...the same range as my Balenciaga wallet & tote bag but its a satchel thingy...... I think I'm going crazy.....

Of course with much persistence from Choo !! So i 'tortured' her by bringing to Ayam Penyet Ria.. I had the pecel lele and she had the AYam Penyet.. she couldn't get enough of the sambal but the entire face was flushed! ahahahahahah

Shamin also passed me my belated gift of SINS chocolates & Earrings... yuuuuummmmm...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yati & Fad's Wedding

16th February
The big day arrived.. finally i scrambled to make the cake base 3 days before and scoured for a good fondant recipe... I know I'm last minute but inspiration strikes late!
Me & Choo bought her a white gold studs from Citigems and when we arrive for the solemnization she was sitting demurely!!! She looked so sweet! Wearing the white kebaya that she made from Lord'ess...we left after seeing Fad arrived downstairs all decked in sunglasses... I rushed home to bake... 4 hours later my cupcakes are ready..

17th February
Choo came while i was loading the stuff to the car ...all decked in her Baju Kedah! I was excited cuz I basically had an idea on what i was going to do but the ultimate conclusion will be at the wedding itself... Wedding cakes are no biggie for a Malay wedding but somewhat adds that final touch.. The food was great.. Yati wasn't fully ready when we got there so we waited downstairs while we got the cake ready.. I was glad Choo decided to become my Assistant! ahahahha
Thankfully the cake turned out beautiful... a lot of makciks & pakciks came over and was asking questions while i set up... wanted to leave a namecard to show that I AM NOT FROM THE TUKANG MASAK GENG!!!! Just a colleague doing her part....
When she finally came down she looked so lovely... in a very fetching Violety / Magenta get up...

After the wedding me & Choo decided to head over to Tampines Mall for a cuppa and Ice cream at Haagen Daaz... she gave me a treat for the petrol I used to send her! Utter rubbish!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Halloween Came Too Early

Its only Feb and the kids are doing their get ups already!!!! Its not even Halloween, Its Valentine's! Faiz still doesn't talk much but its apparent he's very passionate about things! Like sleeping in his outfits as well!


Ever since i lost my Tiffany Mesh ring I've been feeling naked... same goes for Fai... once naked you lack the confidence needed to function.. am i a bit much??? lol

Anyway, since he's been so stubborn and bought me a new Knots ring, I decided to buy him the 1837 Square Tag chain.. I thinks its really him........

Monday, February 11, 2008

CNY Outing

My dear hubby came back over the CNY period.. although it was 5 days i felt it was too short! Went to Sentosa, went swimming at Zaki's place, slept of the in laws & went to Gallop Stable and Pasir Ris Park on the Sunday and he left on Monday.. Maybe the dreary feeling i had lately deterred me from making Yati's wedding cake.. i had no inspiration! I miss my hubby and I just miss being a family! Maybe thats why I couldn't function lately!
Right before he left he left he whispered to pick my ring from Tiffany's before I fly off to Jakarta! Now I feel like a big time arsehole!!! For being a prick when he was here....... sigh..... cant I get anything right???

Saturday, February 09, 2008

No Motivation

I'm really sorry for not updating my blog for the last 1 month.... maybe in mid Jan it was the anxiety of turning 30... and then after that which it was the feeling of laziness... maybe turning 30 is making me more of a bum than i already am....

I will update.... soon..... when this 'feeling' goes away....