
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Grandma's Birthday

Its funny how old people's detail were never properly documented. For instance my grandma......

Her IC states that her bday falls on 16th April... same as my own mom! Coincidence or just a mistake on the officer's side?? My grandma however claims that her 'original' birthday falls on 25th February!

Anyway we would celebrate on alternately years on the different dates... my grandma commented that her phone keeps dying on her so i take it its a hint to get her a new one... and since she don't really bother with other features like sms, camera and such i bought her a N2310 for $88!!! I even get a free $18 sim card from starhub! ehhehe


  1. hahah jauhnye 16th apr dgn 25th feb!!!

    How young is your grandma now? this is maternal one right?

  2. yup maternal one thats always here... to be honest i dun know her exact age sey.. hhehehhe but should be about 70... cuz my mom is 54 this year ahahahha
