
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Chicken Pox

Okay okay time for the big reveal!! I have been hibernating the last 3 days because i was shivering, feverish and i feel like there's this huge rocks sit atop of my head.. I have been skipping dinner for 2 nights in row.... NOT in a bid to lose weight (although god knows i need to! hhaha) but because i just can't seem to swallow anything! All I wanted to do was close my eyes and wait for daylight! I know i look like a tribal warrior from Zulu or an Aboriginal bride?? ehehehehe

Faiz was quite mild... maybe i got double dose for him!

Lorraine, Faisal's ex colleague, sent me a long advice on the No Nos..

Hey girl!!!! You kena chix pox????? Oh no.... No dark soya sauce and chillies!!!! They will leave you unsightly scars.. believe it or not..... dun eat grapes too during this period... for what reason i can't really remember... my mum told me that when i had my 15 years ago... can't ask her now, she is in heaven... :) oh yes... no seafood.... and NO CHICKEN!!!!! basically, you can have porriage and fish... not sure about mutton and beef... dunno and not sure means can la... hahaha.. just chill out at home... oh yes... try to make yourself cooling... like stay in the aircon room.... stay away from sun, coz you will have more pox...ome brief about the NO NOs...

No Chillies (RED) / Dark soya sauce (BLACK) - Will leave marks/scars due to the colour

No Chicken - Because of the name.... It comes from chicken... Hahaha.. So you are eating it's own species...

No Seafood - Will cause the itch during the period and especially when it's drying. Especially prawns and crab!

No Sun - Body being heated up will cause more to pop out... Like boiling water.... Lots of bubbles.... So stay cool.... Emotions affect as well...

I was really touched by her concern...

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