
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Energy Food

Since I've had the 'dreaded disease', i realize i've been weak and moody.. even Faisal notices and said so on our conversation today! The only real answer why i've been moody is 'I've been lacking of Food!

So with much gusto i decided to cook Mutton Briyani! Ensuring sufficient disguise (complete with hooded sweater) i trudged to NTUC to purchase my much required ingredients. Could get everthing except Coriander leaves which is essential for any Indian cooking! Imagine that! All off NTUC and not a single bunch of coriander leaves... not even a leaf!

Finally at 10am Cold Storaged open and to my dismay no sight of Coriander Leaves on the shelves either! uuurrrgghh .. Luck was on my sight though after locating one 'ah-soh' she managed to find a bunch somewhere in the storage area ... phhewwwww..

Ingredients Required

3 onions sliced
3 cloves garlic } blended
1 inch ginger  } blended
all stir friend until aromatic in 2 tablespoon of ghee
Brown 1.5kg of mutton (i managed to get a variety of cuts - individual preference)
in the above condiment
Add in the masala (or briyani spice which contains a mixture of salt, paprika, powdered coriander, cumin, tumeric, caraway, aniseed, cardamom & screwpine)

Add about 2 cups of water and start the cooking process ( I used a pressure cooker so the cooking time is about 1 hour - short cut lah....)

Once cooked and tender, I add,
1 bunch of corinder, sliced
3 tomatoes, sliced
1 cup of yoghurt
Simmer until the desired consistency is acquired

For the rice... another short cut method.. i boil about 12 glasses of water with 3 tablespoon of salt. Add about 1 kg of basmati rice. Taste the rice. Once cooked, drain and add 1 cup of milk to the rice.

I use a little saffron for colouring which i add with hot water (plus some yellow colouring.. saffron alone too light lah... wait not so appetising!).. i also heat about 2 tablespoons of ghee, 1/2 cups raisins, 1/s cup cashew nuts & fried onion. Pour it over the rice and gaul thoroughly.

I serve my briyani with cucumber raita..
1 cucumber sliced with the seeds removed so you get the crunchy part only, 1 onion thinly sliced, 1 chilli chopped, 1 cup of yoghurt and salt. Tadaaaaaaa  

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