
Monday, May 26, 2008


Its not that we're not going to JB anymore.. I guess it will no longer be as often.. sob sob.. I think my Dad took the news the hardest... he started making calls to his friends immediately after... 
We love JB.. for the food, groceries, dvds, milk powders, goreng pisang and of course the CHEAP PETROL.. so I guess all that will have to change... no more weekly trips there..  I mean what if we ran out of petrol?? We can't possible drive out 50km from the border to say... Kota Tinggi for petrol??

Border towns: No petrol sales to foreign cars
The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Petrol stations located in border states like Johor and Perlis will be barred from selling petrol and diesel to foreign-registered cars starting Friday.
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad said the move, aimed at plugging loopholes in the current subsidy system, was decided during an anti-inflation committee meeting yesterday.The ban will involve between 200 and 300 petrol stations in Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Perak and the Johor Baru and Kulai areas in Johor.
Currently, petrol stations are not allowed to sell more then 20 litres of petrol to foreign vehicles.
“This move is temporary until we come up with better management of our subsidy system,” (why temporary?? come out with the best decision lah before implementing!!) he told reporters. At present, Shahrir said too many foreign-registered cars, particularly those from neighbouring countries, had been crossing into Malaysia to take advantage of the lower fuel and diesel prices. “I have been instructed to use my power under the Control of Supply Act to direct and ban the sale of subsidised fuel to these foreign cars. This applies to petrol stations located as far as 50km from the border,” he said. (so all this is about a power-trip on this guy's part.. sighh)
Besides the northern states and the Johor Baru and Kulai areas of Johor, Shahrir said he was also studying if the ban should include petrol stations in Pontian.(why cant they be bloody sure before implementing it!! ) He said the petrol stations would be notified by the ministry to adhere to the move. Shahrir said that besides putting up signboards informing motorists of this new ruling, enforcement officers would also be stationed at the petrol stations to ensure businesses complied with the ruling. “I will inform my officers about this latest decision and it will take effect by Friday or the latest Monday,” he said.
Shahrir said
those caught flouting the ruling could be fined up to RM250,000. (thats a huge fine!) 

However, he said foreign-registered
vehicles which entered the country for tourism purposes could still fill up their tanks in places like Penang and Malacca where the ban would not apply. (Malacca? Are you kidding me!)
“They should enter the country with full tanks and they have to plan their journey,” he said.
In Johor Baru, petrol station owners and managers were shocked with the announcement.
Petrol dealer Andy Wong said such a decision had huge implications on petrol station owners as a large number of stations situated near the Causeway depended heavily on their Singaporean clientele. “If it is within 50km, then the whole of Johor Baru is affected,” he said when met at his station last night.

Other petrol station owners said they were awaiting more information. One petrol station manager, whose station services hundreds of Singapore-registered vehicles daily, said: “So far, talks have only been about petrol subsidies. This has never been spoken about.” He said petrol station owners had not been consulted about the matter.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Would my daughter look like this????

Okay this is a bit corny... but I texted my Cik Ija & Cik Ayim to guess who these are... I honestly thought its easy peasy.. Faris is easily recognizable but Cik Ija replied and texted me "Ni anak siapa ni???" 

huh???? Anyway Faiz does look like Cik Ija junior and Faris look like our next door neighbour.. Nenek Ju... when I showed Nenek Ju the pictures she laughed and said.. "Is try anak dapat anak Perempuan la.. kalau dapat mesti muka macam ini!" ehehhehe

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Thanks to my mom today we had a simply fabulous lunch... when I meant simply.. its really really simple....

My grandma has been with us for the whole week to help care for my boys since mama hasn't been feeling well too and none of us has had much appetite to begin with..

So today we went to Sheng Siong to look for some fresh fish and veg and the menu was :-
- Ikan Terubuk Bakar with sambal 'something' (not sure what its called but the concoction blew me away!! Asam, belachan, chili, bawang, limau)
- Bening Sayur Bayam with keledek

See... really simple but its amazing how something simple like that can evoke so much pleasure!! We all had extra servings of rice! Talk about getting our appetite back! lol

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Faiz has had his fever going on and off since last Friday when Fai came back and he's getting better now after the antibiotics.. however... Mama had it bad on Sunday after we left the airport. She was tucked in bed with fever and retching cough. I knew there was no way I could go to work so I texted my bosses and took both Mama & Faiz to the doc... the damage for both $115...

I told the nurse that I've been spending quite bit on the medical this month alone... chicken pox $250, a week later faiz had fever & cough.. $30 and this trip $115..Her response was nonchalant.. "takpe lah boleh claim kan?" huh????????? Claim from who???? I've used up my pathetic $150 flexi claims already early this year so the kids check up..! I saw the doc at the same time.. I figured since I have a throbbing headache (most likely from the lack of sleep to ensure Faiz doesn't puke all over the bed) I should get some migraine pills too and he offered me 2 days MC... tempted but I told him I really need to be back to work on Tuesday.

So we fetched Mak from Tampines to help out since I have to work on Tuesday.. there was no way I can take another leave or MC! Then yesterday morning, it was Faris turn ... his temp was 39.4!! So he skipped school too..

When I got to work I STARTED SHIVERING!! My throat was hoarse and I could feel the phlegm building up.. so i overload myself.. fist i drank Bird's Nest (to reduce phlegm), then i drank 1 bottle of water with Berocca tablet in it (Vit C), then in the afternoon i drank 1 bottle of Essence of Chicken (my well being and health).. of course the 6 hourly dosage of flu tablet, cough tablet and panadol...

I'm lucky (or very very unlucky) that today is Labour Day which is a Public Holiday so that I can spend it in bed adding on to my House of Virus....