
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Faiz has had his fever going on and off since last Friday when Fai came back and he's getting better now after the antibiotics.. however... Mama had it bad on Sunday after we left the airport. She was tucked in bed with fever and retching cough. I knew there was no way I could go to work so I texted my bosses and took both Mama & Faiz to the doc... the damage for both $115...

I told the nurse that I've been spending quite bit on the medical this month alone... chicken pox $250, a week later faiz had fever & cough.. $30 and this trip $115..Her response was nonchalant.. "takpe lah boleh claim kan?" huh????????? Claim from who???? I've used up my pathetic $150 flexi claims already early this year so the kids check up..! I saw the doc at the same time.. I figured since I have a throbbing headache (most likely from the lack of sleep to ensure Faiz doesn't puke all over the bed) I should get some migraine pills too and he offered me 2 days MC... tempted but I told him I really need to be back to work on Tuesday.

So we fetched Mak from Tampines to help out since I have to work on Tuesday.. there was no way I can take another leave or MC! Then yesterday morning, it was Faris turn ... his temp was 39.4!! So he skipped school too..

When I got to work I STARTED SHIVERING!! My throat was hoarse and I could feel the phlegm building up.. so i overload myself.. fist i drank Bird's Nest (to reduce phlegm), then i drank 1 bottle of water with Berocca tablet in it (Vit C), then in the afternoon i drank 1 bottle of Essence of Chicken (my well being and health).. of course the 6 hourly dosage of flu tablet, cough tablet and panadol...

I'm lucky (or very very unlucky) that today is Labour Day which is a Public Holiday so that I can spend it in bed adding on to my House of Virus....


  1. You went to PEace Family Clinic eh??? I tot u like to go to Raffles?

  2. No .. I go to Millenium... cuz for work its under Shenton so I dun have to pay.. ehhehehe or Dr Martin but the waiting time is killer!
