
Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Resolution

I'm sure everyone has it... i managed to keep to my resolution this year although it only happened after the second quarter!!  hhehehehe .. yeap you guessed it.. to lose weight..I had the same resolution every year since 2003!! I was never Fat but somehow after having the boys I could never get rid of the access post-children weight! My face was rounder, I was looking 'soft' instead of toned..Why I didn't say its post-pregnancy was because I lost the pregnancy weight immediately after... its the after after... eating left-over food from the kids, nibbling on chips and chocolates after midnight while reading a book, jogging twice a month just to say I did exercise and going for yoga class for a certain period!..... I'm sure we are all guilty of it..

This was me early 2008 with a much rounder bloated face!

Also sitting on my bum all day didn't help... thats my job.. but it didn't help that i was sitting on my bum and nibbling at the same time!

So in June when we went to Melbourne, I saw that Cik Ima had a threadmill at home and how good she looks now as compared to say 10 years ago! So something just triggered.. if my aunt can do it why can't I! So we bought the AIBI threadmill during the GSS for $1000 and its worth every penny!

I've dreaded running because I had ops in 1996 to remove my ACL - anterior cruciate ligament and my ruptured meniscus.. so I could no longer sprint like I loved to.. even sudden jerking movement hurts... yes yes.. I sound like a 60 year old in a 30 year old body! Thats what my phsiotherapist used to say!

Anyway I started brisk walking.. going from 2km to 3km to 8km... then when my stamina increased I started slow jogging and then now running... I do pilates which really helps to lengthen and tone as I'm quite a big girl... the fasting month also helped to accelerate the loss... in total.. I lost 8kg.. I've never been happier! I'm back to my pre-marriage weight and I intend to keep it that way..

My 2009 resolution? To be a Go-Forward kinda gal...just accept whatever comes my way with a positive outlook... when things are meant to be, Its meants to be.....

 The Now me.... after losing 8kg....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It was 1345 and I decided to text my dear neighbour thinking she should be at the airport leisurely strolling waiting for boarding..... Her reply? "rushing to the airport at SLE" WHEN HER FLIGHT IS AT 1430!!!

Next thing I knew my phone rang with a private number and all I heard was a voice saying "They wouldn't let me in!"

All I could say was "what??? OMG!!! What??" hahahaha

Fifteen mins passed and no text so I'm assuming they let her in..or maybe in the process of making her pay for another flight! My phone beeped and the text read "I begged and I cried! I m in d plane now" hahahha thank goodness!! All I could say that for a 31 year old woman
she's a disgrace to the woodlands community !!! Lol

The big question she will answer when she gets back from Vietnam is "what was the rush for??? You weren't even working today!!!"