
Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It was 1345 and I decided to text my dear neighbour thinking she should be at the airport leisurely strolling waiting for boarding..... Her reply? "rushing to the airport at SLE" WHEN HER FLIGHT IS AT 1430!!!

Next thing I knew my phone rang with a private number and all I heard was a voice saying "They wouldn't let me in!"

All I could say was "what??? OMG!!! What??" hahahaha

Fifteen mins passed and no text so I'm assuming they let her in..or maybe in the process of making her pay for another flight! My phone beeped and the text read "I begged and I cried! I m in d plane now" hahahha thank goodness!! All I could say that for a 31 year old woman
she's a disgrace to the woodlands community !!! Lol

The big question she will answer when she gets back from Vietnam is "what was the rush for??? You weren't even working today!!!"

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