
Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Current Fave Snack

I know this post is silly and meaningless but this is just to document what I feel at this moment.. and right now.. at this very moment, I'm in heaven munching away....

WHAT IS THAT?? That is semi-ripened mango with sambal petis.... odd combination but it so so works! Its like eating Rojak without the nitty gritties...

Sounds awful to some people but at least mangoes contains all the Vitamins I need .. 

Mangoes contain Vitamin A ( of which Beta-Carotene is a precursor and more usable), Vitamins C & E and Selenium.

Mangoes also contain B-complex (anti-stress) vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, Folic acid (folate), and zinc.

Mangoes are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. Plus are a good source of dietary fiber. They also contain some protein and amino acids, about 2% of your daily recommended amount.

I'm not gonna go into petis .. i doubt there's any nutritional goodness in it except giving me smelly breath!

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