
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ayam Kalasan

This is Faris favourite fried chicken... double the cooking process but thats what makes this Javanese chicken very flavourful...

1 chicken cut in quarter
500ml coconut water (from fresh coconut)
500ml water .. (if you want a more intense taste, use 1 litre of coconut water instead)
6 shallots, 3cm galangal & 3 cloves of garlic (blended)
2 tablespoon of gula jawa or palm sugar (1 circular block)
2 daun salam (bay leaves)
2 tsp salt & 1 tsp pepper

Boil all the above ingredients in a closed pot and remove only when the fluid is almost dried out.

Remove chicken

While waiting for the chiken to cook, make the kremes or the crispy batter topping..mix the following ingredients and fry 1 ladle of batter until crispy. Remove and pour another ladle until mixture is finished.

1 cup of chicken stock
1 egg
1/4 cup rice flour
1 cup water
a pinch of salt

Deep fry the chicken until brown, cut into half (i prefer to eat smaller chicken pieces than the 1/4 piece) pour kremes over it and serve with sambal terasi & lalapan...

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