
Friday, May 11, 2012

Kole Kole Recipe

First attempt at kole kole is a success... to me anyway.. now i know why the ones they sell at the shop is usually hard.. they probably mix plain or rice flour in it rather than using 100% green bean flour... Surprisingly green bean flour was pricy! Plain flour goes for $1.60 per kilo .. green bean was $2.55 for a miserable 250g! Anyway here goes the recipe Tahi Minyak 500ml fresh coconut milk (low fire and continue stirring for 1 hour and 45 minutes to be exact) .. yes.. thats the super tiring part! Drain and mix the excess oil to the cooked base mixture later.
Kole Kole Boil the following and set aside to cool 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup chopped gula melaka 1 cup water 2 pieces pandan leaves Once the above is cooled, add 2 cups santan (1 used 1 packet Kara 200ml plus water) 1 cup green bean flour a pinch of salt
I blend everything in the blender for a smooth paste and cooked on low heat again until bubbling. Add the excess coconut oil from the tahi minyak. Recipe yields a 5-6 inch round baking tin. Grease the tin before smoothing the mixture in and spread all of the tahi minyak and set to cool in room temperature for 3 hours until firm.

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