
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homemade Blueberry Pie

Rainy day calls for a slice of homemade pie.. my little guy has been bugging me for a blueberry pie because Jake from Adventure Time likes them! sigghh

This recipe is for a large 8 inch pie so for a 5 inch pie dish, just half the recipe with 1 tin of blueberry filling. The dough is also enough when you halve it.

So I bought 2 cans of blueberries in light syrup and made my own fillings (that way I can adjust the sweetness) totally hate ultra sweet fillings that can gives you diabetes!! Each can is $5.10 at Phoon Huat or you can pay $7.95 for a Del Monte ones at Cold Storage! *rolls eyes*

Making the filling:-

Drain the 2 cans of blueberries but reserve 1 can of syrup and pour in a pot.
Add 3 tablespoons on sugar & 3 tablespoons of cornflour and heat until thickened.
Add the blueberries and 3 more tablespoons of sugar. At this stage you can taste and adjust if you like it sweeter or as is. You can also add more syrup in if the mixture is too thick.

Pastry shell :-

I find making short crust is easier by using a food processor than a mixer. It gets less mushy and easier to work with. Or you can just rub it in between your fingers until it turns into rough crumbs. So process -

2.5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3 tablespoons sugar
225g butter chopped in small pieces

Process until it looks like course crumbs and then add in 1/4 cup iced water. Roll the dough and lay it on the pie dish (10 inches) or you can make small cute tartlets.

I like to chill my crust first before adding the topping. So what I do is chill for half hour in the fridge then add the topping and top it up with pastry designs. You can cut circles, stars or the traditional lattice strips but & brush the topping with egg yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon milk to give that nice glossy brown look. Bake for 30-35 minuts on 180 degrees. Cool for a couple of hours in the fridge and serve with cream or ice cream!

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