
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bubur Pulut Hitam

Ramadhan means more food at table during Iftar especially desserts - for our family that is .... The Hubby, who usually is not a dessert person actually enjoys Es Buah, Kolak etc during Ramadhan! So today's dessert is Bubur Pulut Hitam for tomorrow's birthday boy.

1 cup of black glutinous rice (ketan hitam)
Wash and soak the rice for about 4 hours.

6 cups water (then continue to add more until rice is soft)
2 pandan leaves
A block of gula melaka or in my case gula aren
Ginger sliced (optional)
These are huge so i used only 1 but adjust the sweetness level accordingly.

I boiled these babies for about 2 hours, frequently stirring. Here in Indonesia, their bubur ketan hitam uses lots of ginger but my little love doesn't like the spicy after taste.

Boil a packet of santan with some water and a pinch of salt. Be generous... I Love my bubur with lots of santan! Ramadhan Mubarak Peeps!!

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