
Sunday, July 07, 2013

Thai Fish Cakes

Hmmmmmmm since its masak-masak day today, I decided on Thai after rummaging through the fridge... Mango salad ended up being mango salsa since all the mangoes ripened overnight which ended up pretty awesome except I was then dreaming of pan fried sea bass to go with that mango salsa! Bleaaarggh! I'm such a food whore!

Back to the starter... Too lazy to defrost fish so used a can of tuna ... Half a can actually since there's 4 of us and I didn't want to make too much .

1/2 can of tuna
1 chopped shallot
1 chopped garlic
1/4 cup breadcrumbs 
1 small egg 
Few stalks of spring onions, coriander, chopped
1 tablespoon of red curry paste
2 teaspoon of fish sauce (to taste)

Just mix all the ingredients in a bowl and then make patties .. The red curry paste was already salty so i after 2 teaspoon of fish sauce, i panfried a bit to taste.. you should adjust the fish sauce according to preference. With half a can of tuna, it yielded half dozen patties.
Pan fry these babies on both side until golden and serve. You can serve with Thai sweet sauce but I used the nuoc cham I had from the Vietnamese spring roll from earlier today. 

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