
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies

I actually am not a brownie person ... Weird I know .. Who doesn't like brownies ?? I however, am in love with peanut butter! I can eat peanut butter sandwiches anyday and my favourite chocolate is Reese's peanut butter cups .. No surprise there... :-) 

Dry ingredients in a bowl

2/3 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa powder

Over a Bain Marie

140g dark chocolate, chopped 
1/2 cup butter, chopped (120g)
1/2 teaspoon instant coffee powder

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence 

2 large eggs

Once the butter and chocolate are nice and melted, pour the sugar & vanilla in. Remove from Bain Marie. Add eggs one by one whisking quickly so as not to cook the eggs.

Fold the dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture. Do not overmix! Else you'll get hard and tough brownie instead of fudgey ones. 

Pour into prepared 6 x 16 inch brownie pan with greaseproof paper lining the tin.

Peanut butter swirl

50g butter, melted 
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter (I used Skippy chunky )
1/4 tsp salt

Mix all the ingredients and spoon in equal amounts.

Swirl using a butter knife for best result. 

Bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes or until your your cake tester comes out clean. Cool and slice to serve. I love the crackled top that the peanut butter creates! 

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