
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Roti Kirai (Asian Crepes)

The other day the boys wanted roti kirai or roti jala as it's known across our causeway .. It's really simple .. And as you would have guessed I use my blender for everything!

All you need is to dump all the ingredients in the blender, blitz and let the dough rest for at least half an hour.

1 egg
2 cups warm water
2 cups milk (I use full cream!)
2 3/4 - 3 cups flour 
1 teaspoon salt
A few drops of yellow food colouring 

 There.. Batter all done! I've made many batches using evaporated milk which is yummy but using fresh milk and warm water makes the dough surprisingly soft! So try it out and see what suits you!

You do need the special tool to make your roti kirai.. It's a scoop with small funnels !
Use a non stick pan for this and what I do is fill a bottle spray from IKEA with oil so that I can just spray before "kirai-ing". 

Yes .. I'm too lazy to use a brush!

Swirl the batter on so that you get a web-like crepe. Cook for a about a minute on each side. Do not burn it! You don't want it crispy but a soft crepe to go with your curry and salad... 

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