
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Tahu Sumbat Daging (Stuffed Tofu)

What I do first is to cook the tofu in boiling water with a teaspoon of salt. Somehow it gives the tofu a firmer texture. I do this to all my tofu even those that I'm keeping for future use. Maybe because the tofu here in Jakarta doesn't come with expiry dates .. It's from the wet market after all 

Seasoning for the tofu 

1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder 
A pinch Salt 
A bit of water

Sliced the tofu into triangles and make a slit in the middle and scoop out the tofu piece. This recipe is for about 10 tofu. 
Coat the tofu with the seasoning. 

Filling :

100g minced beef
1 shallot, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped chives
1 tablespoon chopped carrots 
1/2 teaspoon beef seasoning powder 
Salt & pepper to taste
(The centre part of the tofu)

1 egg, beaten

Place the tofu that you scoop out in a bowl and mix with all the above ingredients except the egg. Mix well and stuff the filling into your tofu slit.
Coat with the beaten egg and deep fry both sides until golden.

Serve hot with Sambal kicap

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