
Friday, September 12, 2014

Poffertjes (Dutch pancakes)

An alternative to pancakes... Weirdly the first time I tried this was at fair in Melbourne yonks ago and not in Amsterdam,  made by Dutch immigrants at the local fair.

It was winter and having hot poffertjes with melted butter, maple syrup, icing sugar and whipped cream was just a really delicious memory!

Now the kids request for it when they are bored with pancakes. Sometimes with lashings of Hershey's syrup or strawberry syrup. 

400ml milk
2 tablespoons instant yeast
2 tablespoon sugar

Heat 400ml of milk. Only lukewarm to help awaken the yeast. I
pop it in the microwave for a few seconds in a bowl.  Add sugar, yeast and stir well. Set aside for 5 minutes.

1 large egg
120g whole wheat flour
150g all purpose flour 
A pinch of salt 

Add in egg into the yeast mixture and all the dry ingredients and set aside for 45 minutes to an hour. Once the mixture is nicely and bubbly, heat up your poffertjes/ takoyaki pan, grease the surface and scoop up teaspoons of batter. I like to fill 3/4 of the holes.

Let it cook one side of the batter until slightly golden and flip using a toothpick to cook the other side. Why toothpick? Because that's the easiest tool for this! Loosen the side of the batter and flip! So fun!

Once done, drizzle with melted butter, icing sugar, maple syrup & whipped cream .. Or Hershey's & even strawberry syrup!

Recipe makes approximately 3 batches of 15 balls 45 balls..  Trust me.. It's not a lot.. 😝

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