
Saturday, April 04, 2015

Boiled Fruit Cake (Kek Buah Kukus)

I love Hari Raya because I get to eat these anywhere I go! This and Kek Lapis Prune!! This is my mom's original recipe but I tweaked it...
This is easier than it looks and no mixer required! Like my mom said "ni kek orang lama.. Tak pakai mixer, Tak pakai oven"

Make the caramel first. 
Once 220g sugar has caramelised, add 1/4 cup cold water. 
Stir then add 180g salted butter (I like anchor butter) and continue stirring. Add 250g (1 box) fruit cake . Let it boil. Add 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda, stir & Set aside to cool.

In another bowl, mix 200g flour, 1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda, 1/4 tsp cream of tartar & 1/4 tsp mixed spices. 

Another bowl whisk 2 large eggs with 1 tsp vanilla essence . Once the fruit mixture is warm, add the eggs and fold in the flour. I used a 6 inch cake tin because   my steamer here is pretty small not the industrial kind . Lol

Line with parchment paper, pour the batter in and cover with alluminium foil. Steam for 3.5-4 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Hai..thank you for sharing this recipe. Could we bake this cake instead of steam?
    I notice that your mom wrote bakar
