
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cashew Makmur

This is like my favourite kuih for raya ever!! This and kuih tart!

For my makmur... 

360g flour
140g melted ghee
60g melted butter 
1/2 teaspoon salt

For the filling grind 150g cashews then mix with 150g fine sugar. Add about 60g melted butter. Set aside

Firstly, just mix all the ingredients into a smooth dough .. add green food colouring (optional)

Roll the dough into a ball, flatten and add the filling

Shape it into a leaf shape

Cepit or pinch the spine first using the "pincher"

Then cepit/pinch the sides ... So that it looks more like a leaf
Bake at 160 degrees for 20 min. Dust or roll in icing sugar

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Super Simple Martabak Manis

For those who reads my blog would know I love to cook but I also like to do thing the quick and easy way .. Less mess, easy clean up ..:-)

Firstly you need a blender.. Add the following item in your blender.. 

1 tsp instant yeast
65g sugar 
300ml warm water

Let the yeast froth up for a couple of minutes and the add the rest of the ingredients in the blender and blitz until smooth..

1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder 
1/4 tsp salt
250g flour
1/2 tsp vanilla essence 
1 tablespoon melted butter

Leave it for an hour to rise. Divide dough into 3 portions. Standby all the ingredients for fillings such as cream corn, condensed milk, chocolate rice, Nutella, nuts, grated cheese or whatever you prefer. You can also add flavours to the batter like pandan essence, cocoa powder or any other flavours.

Grease 6-7 inch pan with butter, pour one portion of the batter on low heat and cover . Martabak is cooked when the top part is not wet and has holes all over .

Transfer to a plate, spread topping, slice in halve and top with half of the Martabak. Spread melted butter over the stop and then cut into smaller portions  to serve.