
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cashew Makmur

This is like my favourite kuih for raya ever!! This and kuih tart!

For my makmur... 

360g flour
140g melted ghee
60g melted butter 
1/2 teaspoon salt

For the filling grind 150g cashews then mix with 150g fine sugar. Add about 60g melted butter. Set aside

Firstly, just mix all the ingredients into a smooth dough .. add green food colouring (optional)

Roll the dough into a ball, flatten and add the filling

Shape it into a leaf shape

Cepit or pinch the spine first using the "pincher"

Then cepit/pinch the sides ... So that it looks more like a leaf
Bake at 160 degrees for 20 min. Dust or roll in icing sugar

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