
Saturday, October 08, 2005

Old friends...

Its been a long an really quick week! Thursday we had the La Prom and the celebrities, socialites, models, media people came.. i just realized how fake people are.. they go because they want to be seen! Nothing more...but the best part Joanne was there!! It was really good to see her after almost a year!! She said there's no way she could stay too long in Melbourne. I didnt ask about Adrian though... anyway all of us thought before "no man who looks like him could ever be straight!" Lynnette was there and i told her saw her at Stomp! but she was too busy being Madame Butterfly as usual.

Friday went even quicker! After Mark & Sam dropped by with the decor & signage, I ran off to Isetan Scotts looking for ribbons.. as i walked along chatting with Mel on my mobile, my eyes drifted to my left at MacDonalds.. just kepo to see any tak tau malu Malays eating or not and I thought my eyes were deceiving me... I thought i saw Adrian Toncic!!! The guy i had been googling for weeks with no results!! Man.... he was my childhood sweetheart.. the boy who made my heart thumped so I am excited to go to school... Pei Tong Primary School! ahhahahahah..I had been in the same class with him when he started in P4.. *ahem* I was usually the vivacious one that everyone wanted to be around so it was no surprise we started to be the best of buddies! My new found hormones had other ideas though! Sigh... i still remember writing him that stupid love letter after watching 'Secret Admirer' a dozen times!! Gosh.. I feel so silly now thinking about it... to think he had no idea it was me then. After receiving that letter he got the cheek to call me and excitedly told me about it.. what do you expect from a P6 kid right!

So we lost touch and i'd bump into him occasionally in the last 15 years (hmmm 3 times to be exact). So it was so exciting to talk as if the 15 years never passed! He lives in Balikpapan now in Kalimantan taking over his Dad's business and he got married last year and expecting a boy some time next year... he converted he says cuz he married a Muslim Indonesian.. then my next question stumped him.. uurrrgghhh you're Muslim & you're eating NOW?? ahahahahahaha. He said his parents sold the Celemti house and they have an apartment at UE2 but his parents are now in Kalimantan and Diana is in Canada studying Phycology!

We sat there talking for half an hour about school and what we did and said he was asking his Police frens about me back in 1999 to 2001 but could not get my number! To think he frequented CHIJMES then. He's going back to Balikpapan this Sunday but with promises to catch up once he gets back in in November.

Wow....... seriously!! ALL my old frens are coming back into my life!!! Anyway the Wedding Dinner ended really late and I got a call from Jerome at 11pm that the last course is being served and they'll be there in about half hour. Everyone was there... Mark, Jerome, Yahya, Ezad, Jaspal, Ghani, Nelson (but of course.. he's the groom) hmmmm somehow Sam wasnt there though.. anyway, i am just amazed at how 6 years passed unnoticed.. all of them said I look good, i never changed! Ya right.... if only they know what lies underneath! ahhahahahahaha

Oh Rose came too and accompanied me throughout the entire event... she's bored cuz her buddy is off in London and she just came out of this relationship with a German guy who wasnt willing to convert...sigh....

Went over to Geylang today to change Faiz baju kurung cuz the one i bought was a tad small. The Kakak selling the baju actually asked if ' Ni anak orang putih eh??" leeer.. bila masa aku kahwin dengan Mat Salleh.. Mat Selit adalah! Then after walking everywhere, I bought stuff for buka ( 2 packets Nasi Briyani Daging, 4 pieces of Ayam Percik, kueh bingka Ubi gandos style, agar2, kueh jongkong, mee hoon goreng & air katira 2 packet, lauk for Sahur ( 2 pieces of Pais Sotong POWER, sambal goreng $2, Babat Lemak $2, Sotong Hitam $4 & Lemak Pucuk Paku $3)... woooii.. if this continues on.. I'll never lose weight like i intended.. nak kena suruh mak alter all my baju kebaya ni!

I guess thats all for today... Anyway I am hoping that that music shop at United Square still have that drumming lesson for 3 year olds... it'll be fun for Faris to sign up.. so far he really drumming mama's furniture! Off to JB tomorrow to buy loads of diapers, milk, cereal and other neccesities! hmmmph..

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