
Monday, October 10, 2005

Another Weekend Passed...

Went to United Square to let Faris have a feel on the drum and he was so excited. The instructor was really nice but told us not to waste our money just yet. Its better to enrol him in when he's about 4 as he'll be able to take instruction then.

To think that he was only taught 2 notes 'H' & 'B' and when the instructor told him to hit both simultaneously, he hits evverything!!!! The fencing school was good too $150 for 4 sessions as i thought its a good outlet to let out his energy. So everything next year will be packed in for him! aahahah.. see I'm the one who's excited.. maybe i should take it up as well.

After that we went to JB for my usual shopping and i saw a missed call from Jerome's mobile.. Mark thanking me for all the arrangemnents on Fri... aftyer that we went to Larkin where i bought everything i saw! Rojak Asma, Pari Bakar, Ikan Keli Berlado, Satay Bakar, Mee Soto, Laksa Penang, Getas2, Kueh Keria, Siput Lemak, Udang Sambal, Paru Sambal, Ghoori Lemak & Air Khatira. Fai bought Penang Laksa again & some other kueh.. wah.... buka besar kita!!!

1 comment:

  1. great diary... you sound happy
    go to
    you have beautiful children
