
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rainy Wednesday

It was hot one moment and it started pouring the next..i drove home to see the boys and have lunch cuz mama just boiled fresh lontong to eat with sayur lodeh.. it was my least fave menu but somehow this eid i cant get enough of it! Plus i had to sent the chicken wings home to defrost!

After work i rush home to cook spaghetti goreng & my black pepper wings.. again the wings were wiped out.. Marziah & family came.. I gave Ferina my pink kitten heels pump cuz she was wearing a pink top.. i cant believe she can fit into my shoes! She's 12!!

Went visiting to 2 of Fai's uncles in Woodlands after that and got home at 11pm.. took a long shower and gonna go to bed....

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