
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Recap - Not too good...

My heart still feel a little weary... somehow i cant get used to the fact that Fai is gone.... and yet he's enjoying himself over there.... somehow i got a little irritated when he said he was going to see Black Eyed Peas in concert on Saturday when here I am at home with the kids feeling exhausted & frustrated! I can't even lavish myself on anything new and there he was enjoying himself! Is it fair that I have so much more responsibilities than the 'so-called' man of the house??

I think NOT! Yet i can't express my frustrations cuz he's out there alone and bored... and I'm supposed to be that 'understanding & supportive wife'..what am I to do?? Why am I sacrificing more than him... then again he feels he's sacrificing a lot by leaving us as well..... I dunno how much can my patience stretch....

The weekend was a blur... Fai left on Friday night and throughout the weekend i kept getting this throbbing headache.. went visiting again and am totally exhausted... maybe my migraines & headaches come from the lack of rest and getting my period at the same time totally wasn't a big help either.....

I realize a lot of people were giving $2 ang paos this year... are these people earning less or are they just too stingy to give more?? I thought the standard is at least $4.. goodness even when I was a kid getting $4 was a norm.. Somehow I just don't have the heart to give $2 to a kid.. but I'm getting shortchanged.. so if this family gives $2 to my 2 boys.. we get $4 in total... and yet i give $4 to 5 of their kids.. they get $20... so thats $16 loss to me!!!!!! uurrrghhhh

1 comment:

  1. aik complain pasal duit raya nampak??hehehe
