
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brain Dead..

Chris having her baquette...

so different....... you look all grown up all of a sudden!!

I like this... somehow the violet colour complements your skin tone..

Have you ever felt tired, lifeless and just looking forward to going to bed?? Thats how I feel at this moment.. i don't have the inspiration to do anything.... not even update this blog.. siggghhhh

To say that i've had a lousy week is not true.. i took the kids to the doctor on Saturday (blah...yes they were sick again and they had to get better after i blew $48 on them!), I cooked several times on Sunday which was nice cuz it was cold and rainy and i feel somewhat comforted... I baked bread & butter pudding at 8am, grilled ayam percik at 9am, went to Sheng Siong by bus... came back had the ayam percik with ulam & sambal belachan...then Faris wanted muffins so i baked him blueberry muffins at 3pm.. then fried bee hoon at 5pm....

and the week started again ....I had breakfast with Christine at Deli on Monday and then Yati MMSed me before her photoshoot.. she looked so different but very very nice kind of different.. I told to email me a vertical one as i tried cropping, tilting, rotating and nothing worked!! She asked if i didnt like it... i do !! So dear.. here goes... your sideway pix!

1 comment:

  1. And im sooo glad im your neighbour, i get to sample all your soothing food. heee
