
Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Latest Splurge

The Mixed Grill

The Chicken Kebab

Christine waiting to dig in

My precious Balenciaga bag

Me with the goodies for the night

The evening started very innocently... Choo bought me dinner at Cafe Le Caire cuz some shares of hers hit the big pot... with much persuasion she dragged me to town after that 'to walk it off' .... and somehow she made me buy the Balenciaga bag that I was eyeing all sorts of reasoning came sprouting out of her mouth to ensure me that I am not making a mistake!... and to top it all, after we walked out and enjoying our Gelato midway, she stormed back in the shop and bought me a matching wallet... as a pre birthday gift... aaawwww... i could have killed her.. i love her to bits but i could have killed her all the same............

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