
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Holiday

The day started quite nicely with the boys waking up early and me making Jemput2 ikan bilis for breakfast and Grilled Cheese Sandwich for Faris... Was thinking of hitting the beach cuz the weather looked great! Just when i came out of the shower i heard Faiz scream!!! I ran over and saw his big toe bleeding... quite badly and i Faris was blabbering that Faiz carried the Trampoline and when he slam it down, he accidentally hit his big toe! A big chunk of flesh got sliced off... eeeeeuuu i cant even look!! He was crying and i was trying my best to console him while mama clean and bandaged it up...

There goes my holiday.. zero mood to go out... In the afternoon i took pity on the boys and brought them to Tom & Stephanie and they bought a miniature pool table... ahhahhaha i guess they do share their parents passion afterall.... I am so amazed at Faiz! His threshold for pain is high.. i think especially after the burn... In the evening he was running around and even cycled!!!

Anyway, back to the pool table....Me & Fai have discussed before.. when we get our own place (again!) we'll get a pool table... maybe its useful if we can use the pool table as a dining table as well... hmmmm.. lets see..


  1. oh yeah pool table has a LOT of functions... *wink*

  2. hahahahah... oooohh you get my drift! lol
