
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something to look forward to!

School Fares have gone up!! The kids school fees are now at $140 a pop! I went to pay the 'Learning Kit' which is the stationaries they use in school and its $250 per kid.. so 2 kids = $500! I bet the school transport will be increased too! There goes my 'good vacation' fund for 2008!

I paid a total of :-

2 Learning Kit - $250 X 2
4 sets of uniform - $55 per set x 4
School Fees - $140 x 2

I spent a total of $1000 at the school yesterday!

Faiz was trying on the school uniform and he looked so funny! like a rascal...

Anyway.. Fai told me to book for his flight back during the CNY period. it made more sense for him to come back than for us to fly up.. cuz the leave slots are full and even if it wasn't I don't wanna be travelling with the kids alone during that peak period! Gave him 2 options of Lufthansa or Qatar... Qatar is cheaper by $26 but the timing sucks! His ETA is at 6am!! So Lufthansa it is for the 6th to 10th Feb...

I made myself even happier.. i booked for me & the kids for 7th to 11th March during the school hols... Total ticket price? $675 for the 3 of us... at least there's something to look forward to!


  1. Thank God Jakarta is not so far away. But the irritating airport tax and others make the fare escalate!!

    $675 for 2 pple is cheap! Qatar too?

  2. hey narny..mahal nah skola???damn i betta get prepared now lehh!!bole baru prep...belum lagi the real "skool"

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ya I book Lufthansa online and the tix used to be at $100 + $83 airport tax but now its increased about $250 plus airport tax.. Qatar is cheaper with better food!! But the timing back sucks! Like 3am flight! ehehhe

  5. yup school is bloody ex now. you know what their excuse? Oh rental is now higher so we have to defray the costs..... so you better save up!! Jangan asyik beli camera lens aje!!

  6. ouchhh perliii nampak??terasa siak aku!!

  7. eheehheh.. siapa makan cili.. dia rasa pedas oi.......
