
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Family Outing

I suggested to Fai that we sleep over his parent's place over the weekend.. I'll prepare steamboat and on sunday head down to the beach if its a good weather..

I even brought 'bunga api' so the kids can entertain themselves ... went to Sheng Siong after work and bought sotong, cockles, beef, lamb chops, veggies, yong tau foo items and LIVE prawns! They were still alive at 4pm when i tried to trim their feelers!!! *jumped in fright*

After dinner we headed downstairs at the playground and the kids played till 11pm! Wemnt back home and we played scrabble until 2am!

I cooked Chicken rice for the picnic and we adults ended up playing scrabble again until 2pm!! I have to say... it was definately a very fulfilling weekend..

Faiz was too tired but refused to leave the comfort of Ferina's arms!

Friday, December 28, 2007


I am so excited!! Fai is coming back tonight!! So i did what every excited wife did...i decided i SHOULD try to look good!! So i went to wash, trim & blow my hair.. in fact i streaked it a few days back and realized it was too contrasting to my previous hair colour so i decided to recolour it the next day.... much better i think...

After my Haircut..

Camwhoring before going to the airport...

Buying a large Cafe Mocha to keep me awake!!

I realize the coffee at Cafe Ritazza is soo much better than Spinelli's and they are soooo generous with the whipped cream... made my $5 worth it! I had to have caffeine.. i mean by the time Fai's flight ETA at midnight.. it was way past my bedtime!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Something to look forward to!

School Fares have gone up!! The kids school fees are now at $140 a pop! I went to pay the 'Learning Kit' which is the stationaries they use in school and its $250 per kid.. so 2 kids = $500! I bet the school transport will be increased too! There goes my 'good vacation' fund for 2008!

I paid a total of :-

2 Learning Kit - $250 X 2
4 sets of uniform - $55 per set x 4
School Fees - $140 x 2

I spent a total of $1000 at the school yesterday!

Faiz was trying on the school uniform and he looked so funny! like a rascal...

Anyway.. Fai told me to book for his flight back during the CNY period. it made more sense for him to come back than for us to fly up.. cuz the leave slots are full and even if it wasn't I don't wanna be travelling with the kids alone during that peak period! Gave him 2 options of Lufthansa or Qatar... Qatar is cheaper by $26 but the timing sucks! His ETA is at 6am!! So Lufthansa it is for the 6th to 10th Feb...

I made myself even happier.. i booked for me & the kids for 7th to 11th March during the school hols... Total ticket price? $675 for the 3 of us... at least there's something to look forward to!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Holiday

The day started quite nicely with the boys waking up early and me making Jemput2 ikan bilis for breakfast and Grilled Cheese Sandwich for Faris... Was thinking of hitting the beach cuz the weather looked great! Just when i came out of the shower i heard Faiz scream!!! I ran over and saw his big toe bleeding... quite badly and i Faris was blabbering that Faiz carried the Trampoline and when he slam it down, he accidentally hit his big toe! A big chunk of flesh got sliced off... eeeeeuuu i cant even look!! He was crying and i was trying my best to console him while mama clean and bandaged it up...

There goes my holiday.. zero mood to go out... In the afternoon i took pity on the boys and brought them to Tom & Stephanie and they bought a miniature pool table... ahhahhaha i guess they do share their parents passion afterall.... I am so amazed at Faiz! His threshold for pain is high.. i think especially after the burn... In the evening he was running around and even cycled!!!

Anyway, back to the pool table....Me & Fai have discussed before.. when we get our own place (again!) we'll get a pool table... maybe its useful if we can use the pool table as a dining table as well... hmmmm.. lets see..

Monday, December 24, 2007

What I've Done - Linkin Park

So weird.. i dunno why is it from home when i update my blog i am not able to attach the videos at all!!! Anyway.. guess i'll just attach the lyrics that have been stuck in my head for the past 1 week! All because of Faris!! He's been humming it while watching his Ben 10 and now i'm stuck!! Kinda make reminisce the last (not recent one) Linkin Park concert that i went to at the Padang in 2005 .. jumping up & down!

In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no alibi
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve done

I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done

Put to rest

What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty



For what I’ve done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done!!!


What I’ve done
Forgiving what I’ve done

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Causeway Point Sunday

I hate to be in a mall on sundays but knowing the weather conditions lately, going to Sentosa is not the most feasible option! So took the kids for breakfast at Delifrance.. Faris had 1 Waffle Set, Faiz had the French Toast Set and me & Mama shared the Dejeuner Toute la Jounee set.. heheheh.. a tongue twister in the morning! Faiz totally surprised me! He finished his set minus the tomato & egg of course with 1 cup of tea with fresh milk!! I was so floored!!

Then took the boys to TimeZone, did some paint-thingy for the kids.. Faiz chose a train (not surprising) and Faris did one really ugly version of Chicken Little!! ahahhaha..

About four-ish i took the boys to the park with me all geared up for a run... less than 3 rounds later we were running.... for home! It started pouring!!! Couch potato time!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Birthday!!

Well to the birthday gal... sorry about the pic.. i suppose that was the most recent one of yours that I snagged from your blog! lol Its a pity that you spent your birthday alone without your dear hubby .. but I'm sure you're surrounded with the people who loves you... Happy Birthday Caca!!

Poor Yati / Team Dinner

My dear sweetie was hospitalized on Friday for severe vomiting and due to dehydration she was given a drip.. the good thing about Eastshore hospital is that you can wear your own clothes instead of thier own awful pyjamas!! Me and Choo went to visit her after work, stayed for a short bit then rushed off to Furama hotel for the dinner / meeting.. Obviously never been anything less than a 4 star hotel, we got off at the wrong Furama!! We ended up taking another cab to the City Centre one opposite of Chinatown Point. The food was unrelentingly awful.. i suppose we were lucky none of us had food poisoning or we'll end up joining Yati in the hospital!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Faiz New Hairdo

Its terribly difficult to get Faiz to speak... its even worse getting him to pose!! He's always so fidgety and shy.. These are the only 2 shots i managed to get of him after his funky new haircut at La Diva...


My dear friend Sarah gave birth when I was in Jakarta... to another baby girl..on the 19th December 2007.. a 2.7kg bundle of joy... i think it was a bit early for her... cuz her EDD was sometime in January... her baby had jaundice and was hospitalized so i figured if i can't visit i might as well send a hamper... everything online looks so bloody girlish!! And i ended up choosing this.. Sarah recieved it at about 9pm... its pretty fast.. I am very impressed with Noel... I ordered this from

Thursday, December 20, 2007


This year didn't seem festive at all! Maybe since Fai is not around and no one did any 'korban' like last year. Faris was happy cuz he received the trophy for participating in the Fortis/Soccer camp... Managed to get another nice shot of Faiz smiling which made my day! The rest of the day was spent at Mak's place eating..and i was so sleepy... the weather is so not helping!! I think i nodded like 3 times while driving from Juring to Tampines and i couldn't risk it so I called Fai to speak to me while i drive!

My poor husband did nothing except for prayers and went to work... hmmmmm...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


We spent the sunday splashing around in the pool after going to Pacific Place which is under the Ritz Carlton Management.. so the place is very posh..we got there at 9.15am and realize that the tickets were sold out 3 weeks beforehand! Fai had to shout at the staff cuz he was given the wrong info to be slotted into the 4pm entry... Why did he shout? Firstly, he went to recce the place & to purchase tix but the staff said no probs just buy on the day itself! Secondly, we only had that Sunday to spare... each tix cost us Rph 150,000 X 3 & Faiz was at $Rph 95,000...How does the average Indonesians pay!!!

Gosh.. its pretty costly and each entry allows you to stay for only 5 hours. I thought we could have finished everything by 3 hours... kinda reminds me of Disneyland where you queue for hours and the rides are 3 mins long!

Faris didn't even managed to go up to 2nd floor... he managed to become a firemen, police, Peter Pan, Fast Food Cook, do a health check, get a licence, become an F1 Racer & Open a bank account! pheeewwwwwww.. sound like a lot huh!